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Work as a Doctor or Researcher in Germany
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5 stars from 155+ students
“Productive Course”
It was a productive course. Thank you very much.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
— A. Bugurcu
“knowledgeable instructor “
The course offers valuable content, clear explanations, and engaging delivery, along with practical activities. Its accurate description and knowledgeable instructor enhance the learning experience.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
— L. Rico
“Outstanding Course”
It is a great course for international doctor in Germany highly recommend this comprehensive, well-structured, and cost-effective course on Udemy for anyone preparing for the German medical language exam.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
— H. Eid
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Have Questions?
Frequently Asked
What level of German language proficiency is required to work as a doctor in Germany?
Achieve at least B2 level for general communication and C1 for medical German. Visit course to learn more about the medical German exam (FSP).
How do I apply for a medical license (Approbation) in Germany?
In general step are 1) Obtain your degree and practical year from home country 2) Translate your documents, 3) Submit them to the designated authority in Germany, 4) Pass required exams, and 5) Receive your Approbation. Read our guide on how to become a medical doctor in Germany.
Is it necessary to undergo a medical residency in Germany if I have already completed one abroad?
Not always. If your specialty is recognized and your qualifications are fully acknowledged, you might not need to. However, some specialties may require additional training or exams in Germany.
Does Germany still need medical doctors?
Yes, it is estimated that Germany currently needs 15,000 doctors, and this demand is expected to increase. For more information contact us.
What is a doctor salary in Germany?
According to the TV-Ärzte/VKA salary table, German physician salaries vary by role and experience, starting at €4,852 for first-year residents and exceeding €10,000 for senior roles, with on-call pay adding to gross income, which significantly reduces after taxes and social contributions.
Can I get residency in competitive specialities?
Yes, securing a residency in sought-after specialties like radiology, dermatology, orthopedics, neurosurgery, and subspecialities fields is definitely possible. Your grades in medical school play no role. And there is no need for previous research in the field or publications. Your key is better german language skills and interest in the field.