Dr. med. in Germany: All You Need to Know

In Germany, medical graduates are called physicians and can’t use the “Dr.” title unless they earn an academic degree through research, namely the Dr. med.

In many countries, once you graduate from med school, you can call yourself a doctor. But not in Germany.

In this blog post, we’ll cover everything you need to know about getting your Dr. med. title as an international doctor working in Germany.

What is a Dr. med.?

A Dr. med., short for Doctor of Medicine, is a prestigious academic title in Germany and some other countries for example Austria. A Dr. med. title signifies that a physician has conducted significant research in the medical field.

Unlike the initial medical qualification required to practice medicine, the Dr. med. is an advanced academic degree that focuses on research. Physicians earn this title usually after completing their medical studies, passing a state examination, and then undertaking a research project that culminates in a dissertation and a successful defense.

Some motivated students start their Dr. med. studies while in med school and finish it in parallel of their studies.

How Long Does It Take to Get One?

The time it takes to obtain a Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.) degree in Germany can vary widely, depending on several factors including the nature of the research project, the individual’s dedication and time availability, and the specific requirements of their university. Typically, the process can take anywhere from 6 months to 5 years.

This period encompasses the initial proposal phase, conducting the research, writing the dissertation, and successfully defending it before a committee. Some candidates may complete their research more quickly if they are able to work on it full-time and if their research project is well-defined and progresses smoothly. However, for many, especially those who are also working or involved in clinical practice concurrently, it could take longer to navigate and complete all the requirements for the Dr. med. degree.

Pro Tip: As an international medical doctor, you probably already have your Dr. title from your home country, but you cannot use it in Germany. Thus, obtaining it as quickly as possible with the least time and effort might be your goal. Therefore, carefully choosing your research project and supervisor is crucial for your success and for saving your time, nerves, and even money. Therefore, having a mentor during the process is very important.

Dr. rer. nat. Ahmad M. Nazzal MD, PhD

Do I Need It to Practice Medicine in Germany?

No, you don’t need a Dr. med. to practice medicine in Germany. It’s more about research and teaching others.

Why Do Students Do It? Is It Worth It Financially?

Students pursue this title for the prestige, to improve their research and teaching skills, and for better job opportunities in university clinics and research institutes.

Financially, it does not make a big difference unless it helps you get in higher-paying jobs outside of clinical medicine, but it’s a big commitment.

How Can You Apply for One As An International Medical Graduate?

Focus first on getting your medical license in Germany and some work experience. Then, you can think about adding a Dr. med. to your achievements. It shows you’re committed to research and knowledge. Here are a proposed plan:

  • Get Your Approbation: You need to be a graduated doctor from your home country with a license to practice medicine in Germany.
  • Find a University: Look for one with a Dr. med. program.
  • Gather Your Papers: Like your med school diploma and your CV.
  • Write a Proposal: For the research project you want to do.
  • Find a Supervisor: A professor who agrees to guide your research.

How Can I Find a Supervisor?

Finding a supervisor for your Dr. med. research project is a key step in the process and requires careful consideration. Here’s how you can approach this task:

  1. Identify Your Research Interest: Clearly define your area of research interest. This will help you find a supervisor whose expertise aligns with your project.
  2. University Departments: Look into the departments of various universities that offer the Dr. med. program. Each department typically lists faculty members and their research interests.
  3. Academic Publications: Review academic papers in your field of interest. Authors of these papers can be potential supervisors, especially if their research aligns with yours.
  4. Networking: Attend conferences, seminars, and workshops. These can be excellent opportunities to meet potential supervisors and discuss your research ideas.
  5. University Resources: Many universities have resources to help connect students with potential supervisors. Check their websites or contact the graduate studies office.
  6. Direct Contact: Once you’ve identified potential supervisors, reach out to them directly. Prepare a concise and clear proposal of your research idea to share in your communication.
  7. Be Prepared: When contacting potential supervisors, be ready to explain your research idea, how it aligns with their work, and why you’re interested in working with them specifically.
  8. Consider Multiple Options: It’s wise to reach out to several potential supervisors to increase your chances of finding a good match.

Remember, finding the right supervisor is not just about their expertise but also about finding someone who is interested in guiding you through your research journey. A supportive supervisor can significantly influence your success and experience while pursuing your Dr. med.

Pro Tip: Finding the right supervisor for your project is the most single important step for your success in achieving the Dr. med. title.

Dr. rer. nat Ahmad M. Nazzal MD, PhD

Academic Degrees vs. Clinical Titles

Academic Degrees: Dr. med., Dr. rer. nat., Habilitation (Habil.), and Professor. These are about research and teaching.

Clinical Titles: Assistenzarzt, Facharzt, Oberarzt, and Chefarzt. These show your level as a practicing doctor, from junior to senior.

Do I have to Write Thesis in German?

Not always. You can agree with your supervisor to write the thesis in English. Usually the Dr. med. thesis is written in German and the communication with your supervisor and the defense happens in German. But if you discuss this with your supervisor you might be able to write in English.

Should I Go for the Dr. Med as an International Medical Doctor?

It really depends on your goals. If you want to focus on clinical work, you don’t really need the Dr. med. title. However, if you aim to open your own private clinic in the future, it’s a nice-to-have thing but not a prerequisite. In clinical work, the focus is on your clinical skills in Germany, and practically no one cares if you have the Dr. med. title or not. But it is nice to have.

If your focus is research and you are interested in teaching, then a Dr. med. title is a must-have. You need it to apply for teaching positions in university clinics, for example. It’s necessary to progress from Dr. med. to other academic titles such as professor.

So, it really depends on your focus. Ask yourself how you want to work in the future and where, and this will help guide your decision.

What is the Difference Between Dr. Med and Dr. Rer. Nat?

The Dr. med. (Doctor of Medicine) and Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor rerum naturalium, Doctor of Natural Sciences) are both prestigious academic titles in Germany, but they serve different purposes and are pursued through distinct paths within the academic and research landscapes.

Dr. med.

  • Field of Study: The Dr. med. focuses on medical and clinical research. It is pursued by medical graduates (physicians) who wish to delve deeper into research within the field of medicine. You need to be a physician to be able to pursue it.
  • Purpose: It aims to advance clinical practice and improve patient care through research. The Dr. med. is often pursued by those intending to specialize in a particular area of medicine, engage in academic medicine, or lead clinical research projects.
  • Research Requirement: Candidates must conduct an original research project related to clinical medicine, which culminates in a dissertation and a defense. The research often involves clinical trials, patient studies, or other forms of clinical research.
  • Professional Impact: While not required for practicing medicine in Germany, it enhances a physician’s qualifications for roles in academic medicine, research, and higher clinical positions.

Dr. rer. nat.

  • Field of Study: The Dr. rer. nat. is oriented towards the natural sciences, including biology, chemistry, physics, and related fields. It is akin to the PhD found in many other countries. You do not need to be a medical student or medical graduate to pursue it. So you can pursue it even without the Approbation as an international medical doctor.
  • Purpose: This title is pursued by those aiming to contribute to scientific knowledge, conduct independent research, and teach at the university level in the natural sciences.
  • Research Requirement: Requires the completion of extensive original research that contributes new knowledge to the field. The process involves drafting a dissertation based on this research and successfully defending it.
  • Professional Impact: Essential for careers in scientific research and academia. It’s a prerequisite for those looking to become university professors or lead research in natural sciences.

Key Differences

  • Disciplinary Focus: Dr. med. is focused on medical research with direct clinical applications, while Dr. rer. nat. centers on the broader natural sciences.
  • Career Paths: Dr. med. is tailored for medical professionals seeking to enhance their clinical career with research, whereas Dr. rer. nat. is suited for careers in science research and academia outside of the clinical setting.
  • Research Nature: Dr. med. research is often directly related to patient care, clinical practices, and therapies, while Dr. rer. nat. research is more varied and can include theoretical and experimental studies in natural sciences.

In summary, the choice between pursuing a Dr. med. or a Dr. rer. nat. depends on one’s professional goals, field of interest, and the type of research they wish to undertake.

Pro Tip: I decided to pursue a Dr. rer. nat. degree because I was more interested in research than clinical work, and I wanted to work in Germany to gain experience and improve my language skills even before obtaining my approbation. Since research positions for a Dr. rer. nat. are paid, you do not need a blocked bank account for traveling to Germany, which is something required for the visa if you are seeking work as a physician.

Dr. rer. nat Ahmad M. Nazzal MD, PhD


A Dr. med. is not something you can do on the side. It requires careful planning and is a significant commitment. Unless you really need it because you plan on working in research, academia, publication, or teaching, you don’t need it to work as a physician in Germany. If you aim to earn it, be prepared to commit time, effort, and money towards achieving it, as it is expected of you to do so while working as a physician full-time. You will learn a lot while pursuing a Dr. med., including skills like analysis, statistics, research, reading papers, and summarizing papers.

However, sometimes the level of supervision dedicated to Dr. med. students is not sufficient, as a Dr. med. doesn’t solely focus on research like a Dr. rer. nat. (which is the proper PhD in Germany). But usually, students want the Dr. med. title for the prestige of having it and to be called doctors later in life. Practically and realistically, it doesn’t add much to your career as a clinician.

Helpful Links

  • Check the following links for more info:
    • German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    • German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
    • Goethe-Institut (Learn German)

Research Institutes in Germany

Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft)

  • Focus: A wide range of fields including natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
  • Search for: “Max Planck Society institutes”

Fraunhofer Society (Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft)

  • Focus: Applied sciences with a focus on engineering and technology.
  • Search for: “Fraunhofer Society institutes”

Helmholtz Association (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft)

  • Focus: Large-scale research in fields like health, energy, environment, materials, and space.
  • Search for: “Helmholtz Association centers”

Leibniz Association (Leibniz-Gemeinschaft)

  • Focus: A broad spectrum of research areas including natural sciences, engineering, environmental sciences, humanities, and social sciences.
  • Search for: “Leibniz Association institutes”

Known Universities in Germany

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU)

  • One of Europe’s leading research universities with strong programs in medicine, natural sciences, and humanities.
  • Search for: “LMU Munich programs”

Heidelberg University

  • Germany’s oldest university with an outstanding reputation in medicine, natural sciences, and the humanities.
  • Search for: “Heidelberg University faculties”

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

  • Known for engineering, technology, and natural sciences but also offers programs in life sciences and medicine.
  • Search for: “TUM degree programs”

Humboldt University of Berlin

  • Offers a wide range of programs including humanities, social sciences, and life sciences.
  • Search for: “Humboldt University Berlin faculties”

University of Freiburg

  • Offers strong programs in natural and engineering sciences, medicine, and humanities.
  • Search for: “University of Freiburg departments”

When searching for the right institute or university, consider your specific research interests and career goals. Visit the official websites of these institutions for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their programs, application procedures, and requirements for international students and researchers.


Going for your Dr Med in Germany is a big adventure. It’s okay to feel a bit scared but also excited. Remember, every big doctor was once a student just like you.

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