Competitiveness of Medical Specialties in Germany

Choosing a medical specialty in Germany is a pivotal decision for any aspiring medical professional. The path from medical school to residency shapes your career trajectory, work-life balance, and personal satisfaction.

In Germany, you can get into competitive specialities such as radiology, derma, ortho regardless of your grades in med school. In this post, we will go through specialities that are easy to get into versus one that are competitive.

More Accessible Specialties

General Practice (Family Medicine): General Practice often has more available residency positions due to a widespread need for primary care physicians across regions, including rural areas. The demand for general practitioners, coupled with efforts to boost primary healthcare, makes this field relatively more accessible than others.

Psychiatry: With an increasing focus on mental health, Psychiatry has seen a rise in residency slots. The specialty’s growing importance in the healthcare system, combined with a historical shortage of specialists, contributes to its accessibility.

Pediatrics: While Pediatrics is a beloved choice for many, it is comparatively easier to enter than some of the highly specialized fields. The reason is that many paediatricians are going to retire in the near future in Germany.

Highly Competitive Specialties

Dermatology: Contrary to some perceptions, Dermatology is one of the most competitive specialties. Its appeal lies in the dermatologist’s quality of life, the variety of cases, and the potential for cosmetic practice, driving a high number of applicants for limited spots.

Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery: Known for its lucrative potential and the complexity of surgical procedures, Orthopedics is highly sought after. The competition is fierce, with many aspiring for a spot in this prestigious field.

Plastic Surgery: Similar to Dermatology, Plastic Surgery attracts a high volume of candidates due to the high earning potential and the artistic aspect of the specialty. Positions are scarce and highly coveted.

Neurosurgery: As one of the most challenging and rewarding surgical specialties, Neurosurgery demands exceptional skill and dedication. The path to becoming a neurosurgeon is highly competitive, reflecting the rigorous training and high stakes involved in patient care.

Emerging and Interdisciplinary Fields

Interest is growing in interdisciplinary specialties such as Bioinformatics, Genomic Medicine, and Health Informatics. These areas, while not traditional paths, offer exciting opportunities at the intersection of technology and healthcare. Competition in these fields varies, but an early focus and specialized training can provide a significant advantage.

Navigating Your Path

Choosing a specialty should align with your passion, skills, and life goals. Here are a few steps to navigate your journey:

  1. Research: Thoroughly investigate each specialty’s requirements, lifestyle, and long-term opportunities. Resources like the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer) and specialty-specific societies can provide valuable insights.
  2. Experience: Seek rotations, internships, and shadowing opportunities in your areas of interest. Practical experience not only bolsters your application but also ensures you make an informed choice.
  3. Networking: Connect with professionals in your desired field. Mentorship can offer guidance, insider tips, and potentially open doors for future opportunities.
  4. Prepare: Competitive specialties require excellent academic records, research experience, and sometimes publications. Start building your CV early in your medical education.

Pro Tip: The good thing about medical residency in Germany is flexibility. You can always change your specialty after gaining experience in the system. The years you spent in one specialty will, in most cases, count towards the next specialty. So, if you want to pursue dermatology, you can start with internal medicine for 2 years, then move to dermatology. During these two years, you can build a network that will help you transition to dermatology.



Every medical specialty offers its unique challenges and rewards. While some paths may be more competitive, determination, preparation, and strategic planning can lead to success in any field. Embrace the journey, and remember, the right specialty for you is where your passion and potential to make an impact align.

Valuable Resources for Aspiring Medical Specialists in Germany

To further your understanding and aid in your journey toward selecting a medical specialty in Germany, here are some key resources:

  • Bundesärztekammer (German Medical Association): The central organization in the system of medical self-administration in Germany, it provides comprehensive information on medical education, continuing education, and specialties. Visit the Bundesärztekammer
  • Bundesministerium für Gesundheit (Federal Ministry of Health): Offers detailed information on health policies, regulations, and recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany. Explore the Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
  • Ärztekammer (State Chambers of Physicians): Each of Germany’s 16 states has its own Chamber of Physicians, providing region-specific information on training, certification, and practice. Find your local Ärztekammer
  • Marburger Bund: The largest association of physicians in Germany, offering career advice, legal support, and detailed information on working conditions, salaries, and more. Learn more at Marburger Bund
  • Recognition in Germany (Anerkennung in Deutschland): A portal providing essential information on how international medical qualifications are recognized in Germany, crucial for international medical graduates. Visit Recognition in Germany
  • Lancet and BMJ: While not Germany-specific, these renowned medical journals publish research, commentary, and updates on a broad range of medical specialties, offering insights into the latest trends and challenges in the medical field worldwide. Explore Lancet and BMJ
  • Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (German Dermatological Society): For those interested in Dermatology, the DDG offers resources, research updates, and networking opportunities. Visit DDG
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (German Society of Surgery): Provides resources for those interested in surgical specialties, including training, research, and events. Explore DGCH

These resources are invaluable for anyone considering a medical career in Germany, offering authoritative guidance on education, training, and the practice of medicine. Whether you’re a domestic or international medical graduate, leveraging these resources can provide clarity and direction as you navigate the complexities of choosing and securing a medical specialty in Germany.

Read our ultimate guide to become a medical doctor in Germany here.

Unlock Your Medical Career in Germany